About IBC Polska

IBC Euroserwis was founded in 2003 and since its inception has specialized in service and refurbishment of cooling, freezing and professional catering equipment.

Our key customers are beverage and ice cream manufacturers as well as restaurant chains and hotels. Prepared under their terms strategy is based on close and long-term cooperation. For our customers, we are not only a provider but also a partner and advisor. We want our clients to take full advantage of our experience and information collected in the service management system.

We operate throughout Poland and through our branch office in Cieszyn, Czech Republic. Our clients include: Grupa Żywiec, Pepsi Cola, Kompania Piwowarska, Maspex, Carlsberg Polska, AmRest, Red Bull, Coca Cola, Bartscher.

Facts about IBC Polska
  • Focus : Service
  • Industry : Other

Here you will find IBC Polska F&P s.a.