CompAir Drucklufttechnik - Zweigniederlassung der Gardner Denver Deutschland GmbH
About CompAir Drucklufttechnik
CompAir one of the world’s-leading global manufacturer of compressed air and gas solutions providing an extensive range of SCREW, ROTARY, PISTON and TURBO COMPRESSORS and ACCESSORIES for all conceivable areas of application in industry and construction, using oil free, pure Air and lubricated compressed air. As a systems manufacturer, CompAir can also provide an extensive range of additional equipment, such as dryers, filters, heat recovery accessories as well as a selection of the most up-to-date higher-level control systems. With an extensive network of dedicated sales companies and distributors across six continents, compare offers global expertise with a truly local service capability.
- Focus : Manufacturer
- Employees: 1001-5,000
- Industry : Production technology