About MTI Mischtechnik International

With over 33 years’ experience in the field of mixing and compounding, MTI can offer its customers the benefit of its vast know-how in a great many different areas of application.

With a work force of 70 employees, MTI’s production site in Detmold manufactures high-quality mixing systems for the plastics industry, the general chemical industry and for special applications in other branches of industry.

Newly built in 1991, MTI’s factory in Detmold meanwhile achieves a turnover of around €10 million (2008). With exports accounting for almost 80% of its business, MTI is an internationally oriented, family owned and managed enterprise that sets great store by the "made in Germany” quality of its products. Highly integrated production means that MTI machines are almost entirely manufactured by MTI itself. Only such components as electric motors, frequency converters, gearboxes etc. are outsourced.

Facts about MTI Mischtechnik International
  • Focus : Manufacturer
  • Industry : Production technology

Product portfolio of MTI Mischtechnik International

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Topic world Mixing technology

Mixing technology occupies a central position in the food and beverage industry and ensures the homogeneity, quality and flavor consistency of products. It ensures that ingredients are combined in exactly the right quantities and ratios to create the perfect end product. From the simple blending of powders and liquids to the integration of emulsions, flavors or vitamins - modern mixers are designed for precision and efficiency.

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Topic world Mixing technology

Topic world Mixing technology

Mixing technology occupies a central position in the food and beverage industry and ensures the homogeneity, quality and flavor consistency of products. It ensures that ingredients are combined in exactly the right quantities and ratios to create the perfect end product. From the simple blending of powders and liquids to the integration of emulsions, flavors or vitamins - modern mixers are designed for precision and efficiency.