About HNC Group

HNC Group is a commercial- and engineering company established in 1979

HNC Group's business area is sale of components and complete solutions for automation and processing.

Pneumatik Stainless steel cylinders Aluminium profiles Rotating units Flexible connections Instrumentation Electric swithboard Sanitary appliiances Heating and sanitary

All components come from leading international manufactures, quality being the keyword.

HNC Group has a wide range of standard components in stock, ensuring day to day delivery.

We produce and supply among other things: Pneumatic cylinders, standard size and custom tailored Staniless steel pneumatic cylinders, in standard- and special sizes Aluminium profiles, cut and processed and as complete solutions Filling and calibretion of manometers Complete steering swithtboard, custom tailored

Our customers are primrary from the food- and pharma industry and industrial engine makers.

Facts about HNC Group
  • Focus : Manufacturer
  • Industry : production/operating equipment

Here you will find HNC Group A/S