KUKLA Waagenfabrik GmbH & Co KG (Weighing Technology)

KUKLA is a manufacturer of continuous weighing and dosing systems since 1933. The company is located in Voecklabruck in Austria.

Our product range: - Weigh-feeders - Built-in belt scales - Loss-in-weight-feeders - Weighing and dosing screws - Impact flow meters - Train load out systems - Fiberglass dosing systems - Discharger - Rotary vane-feeders (with forced broaching, too) - Flat gate-valves - Needle gate-valves - Shell gate-valves - Weighing modules / Bin scales - Weighing and dosing electronics - Customized special solutions - Weigh feeders for Alternative Fuels (RDF, ...) - Weighing and dosing equipment for Gypsum industry ǀ Cement industry ǀ Mining industry Steel industry ǀ Power plants ǀ Bulk Handling - and much more

Facts about KUKLA
  • Founding: 1933
  • Focus : Manufacturer
  • Industry : Production technology

Product portfolio of KUKLA

Here you will find KUKLA Waagenfabrik GmbH & Co KG