About Büchi

BÜCHI Labortechnik is a globally operating privately held company headquartered in Switzerland. Founded 1939 as a glass blowing workshop BÜCHI is offering laboratory equipment, analytical systems and NIR technology. Since 1978 the German BÜCHI Labortechnik GmbH situated in Essen serves its customers and lab dealers with its own field sales force, with tech service and with applications support and training courses.

Facts about Büchi
  • Founding: 1939
  • Focus : Manufacturer
  • Employees: 201-500
  • Industry : Lab Technology

Product portfolio of Büchi

Product portfolio

Here you will find BÜCHI Labortechnik GmbH

See the theme worlds for related content

Topic world Mixing technology

Mixing technology occupies a central position in the food and beverage industry and ensures the homogeneity, quality and flavor consistency of products. It ensures that ingredients are combined in exactly the right quantities and ratios to create the perfect end product. From the simple blending of powders and liquids to the integration of emulsions, flavors or vitamins - modern mixers are designed for precision and efficiency.

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Topic world Mixing technology

Topic world Mixing technology

Mixing technology occupies a central position in the food and beverage industry and ensures the homogeneity, quality and flavor consistency of products. It ensures that ingredients are combined in exactly the right quantities and ratios to create the perfect end product. From the simple blending of powders and liquids to the integration of emulsions, flavors or vitamins - modern mixers are designed for precision and efficiency.

Topic World Food Analytics

Food analysis methods enable us to investigate the quality, safety and composition of our food. Whether in the traceability of food, the detection of contaminants or the verification of nutritional information - food analytics plays a crucial role in our health and nutrition. Welcome to the exciting world of food analytics!

20+ products
4 whitepaper
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Topic World Food Analytics

Topic World Food Analytics

Food analysis methods enable us to investigate the quality, safety and composition of our food. Whether in the traceability of food, the detection of contaminants or the verification of nutritional information - food analytics plays a crucial role in our health and nutrition. Welcome to the exciting world of food analytics!

20+ products
4 whitepaper
20+ brochures