Instant NanoBiosensors Co., Ltd
About Instant NanoBiosensors
Instant NanoBiosensors Co., Ltd. is an award-winning Taiwanese startup, specialized in the development of cutting-edge biosensor platforms. Established in 2016, this dynamic biotechnology company operates on the mission to continuously improve drug discovery, biomedical research and diagnostic processes with simple, reliable and affordable solutions.
At Instant NanoBiosensors, we believe that Light Saves Lives.
With our unique & patented FOPPR™ Technology (Fiber Optic Particle Plasmon Resonance), our platforms offer instant and accurate results for a variety of detection and selection applications. By combining novel biomarker with advantageous light-sensing devices and biochips, we have the vision to revolutionize traditional immunoassays and diagnostic analyses for a more efficient healthcare ecosystem.
• INB-D1 Biomarker Analyzer (1-channel, POCT device)
• INB-D200 Biomarker Analyzer (2-channel, Bench-top device)
• INB-D800 Biomarker Analyzer (8-channel, Bench-top device)
• Sensor/Standard Chip NanoAu-MM (Users can conjugate any desired antibody)
#InstantNanoBiosensors #FOPPR #LightSavesLives #LightSensing #BiomarkerAnalyzer #POCT #INAbService #BiomarkerAnalysis #Antibody #Antibodies #Pharmaceutical #Vaccine #Research #LifeSciences #Analytical #Diagnostic #Detection #Clinical #Healthcare #Biotech #Distribution #Outlicensing #Partnerships #Collaboration
- Founding: 2016
- Focus : Manufacturer
- Industry : biotechnology, Diagnostics