About Startuper's Smoothies

Why Startuper's Smoothies?

In today's world, everybody is a startuper. Not necessarily in a direct way. But we all are startupers at heart. We desire to achieve, to create something new, to reach success and to leave a positive mark on the world by following our dreams.

But…they say that nine out of ten startups fail. And they look for reasons. We know the reason! Most startupers don't eat properly. Glued to their laptop screens for hours on end, the poor chaps and dames are reduced to fast food and sugary snacks. This won't work. Business empires aren't founded on take away pizzas and gummy bears. If you are ambitious, you better get your nutrition right. To become a startup sensation, you will need quick, easy and delicious intakes of protein, minerals, vitamins, and fiber. And that's what we've created for you.

Nutrition for Ambition

The smoothies were developed for a modern individual who is always in a hurry, and has limited time for proper nutrition. Sadly, the result of this modern circumstance is that most office-working people often skip breakfast and lunch, and are reduced to snacking on sugary food, fatty sandwiches, take away fast-food, etc. While these options can create a sense of fullness, they are detrimental to both long-term health, and short-term productivity.

Facts about Startuper's Smoothies
  • Founding: 2018
  • Industry : Beverages

Here you will find Startuper's Smoothies