Join the Uni Food Day about development of healthy foods

02-Nov-2021 - Denmark

ttend this year’s Uni food Day on 9 November, where researchers and business people will join forces to try to find ways of developing healthy, safe and sustainable foods.


Join the Uni Food Day about development of healthy foods

The world’s population is increasing and many consumers have adopted new eating habits. Being able to feed more people and accommodate new habits is pushing food producers to rethink both the types of products they make and how they are produced.

During this year’s Uni Food Day conference, researchers from the Technical University of Denmark, Aarhus University and the University of Copenhagen will enter a dialogue with representatives from different food businesses who are looking for sparring in relation to the development of healthier and more appetizing foods.

Senior Researcher Claus Heiner Bang-Bertelsen, Senior Researcher Grethe Hyldig and Senior Advisor Sisse Fagt from the National Food Institute, Technical University, will take part in the dialogue.

They will contribute ideas on who to formulate foods that allow people to eat their way to a healthy ageing, how tinned mackerel can be made more attractive in the eyes of the consumer, and how to improve the nutritional quality of convenience food.

The event is in English.

Time and registration

Participation in the event is free. It takes place on 9 November from12-15.30. Registration is necessary no later than 8 November via Food & Bio Cluster Denmark’s website. On the website, you can also read more about the programme and the panelists.

It is the third time that the universities and Food & Bio Cluster Denmark join forces to put on the Uni Food Day event. The aim of the event is to bring knowledge from the universities into the production of food. The event is financed through the cluster grant Innovationskraft in 2021, which aims to stimulate growth in the business community through collaboration with knowledge institutions with financing from The Ministry of Higher Education and Science.

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