About ProphyDent

As a beekeeper's daughter, Anita Kleemann was often bored, as there was little to do for a little girl in the heavy and dangerous work at the beehives.

And yet the fascination for the busy bees and their perfect system has only increased over the years and the exquisite product from all these efforts has never lost its magic. But somehow there had to be more than ordinary honey, Anita went through her head for many years because she didn't really like the pure taste of honey. On a common journey with the family through Europe it was then so far. On a rustic market stall honey and jams were offered for sale next to each other and the moment of enlightenment was not long in coming: fruit & honey - that is the gap, that is the solution! The product "Marmelonig" was born! Based on this idea, the first plans were forged during the journey and the first blends were tried out in autumn 2016. Many rounds of optimization followed: which was the most suitable honey? Which was the best concentrate? Tastings were carried out, readjusted, perfected ... and the design developed, brands secured, partners sought and found.

Facts about ProphyDent
  • Founding: 2016
  • Focus : Manufacturer
  • Industry : Food

Product portfolio of ProphyDent

Here you will find ProphyDent GmbH