PreSens Precision Sensing GmbH
About PreSens Precision Sensing
Since its foundation in 1997 PreSens offers a broad range of chemical-optical sensor systems for end users in Bioprocess Control, Biological & Environmental Research, Food & Beverage industry as well as other industrial applications. We offer systems incl. dissolved oxygen measurement in gases and liquids; non-invasive online pH and oxygen measurement, oxygen and pH sensors for single-use bioreactors, micro sensors for pH and oxygen, process control in shaking flasks, low-maintenance DO measurement for fermentation and bioreactor systems as well as online oxygen and pH measurement in disposables like multiwell plates and plastic bags. Our product range expands constantly.
Furthermore we are developers and manufacturer of optoelectronic OEM sensor components for companies in the field of medical equipment and process control.
Together with its partners it offers full service in Europe, USA and Asia.
- Focus : Manufacturer
- Employees: 51-200
- Industry : analytics