About Scacciadiavoli Az.Agr.

Founded in 1884, Cantina Scacciadiavoli "cast out the devils" takes its named from a 19th century exorcist who lived in the small village bordering the vineyard. He was known to use the wines while performing his exorcist ritual of ridding poor souls of demons.Scacciadiavoli is the resulting dream of the Prince of Piombino, Ugo Boncompagni-Ludovisi. In 1884, the estate was built as a complex and modern wine "factory." Today, the Pambuffetti family owns Scacciadiavoli. The estate is made up of 130 hectares, 35 of which make up the vineyards with an annual production of approximately 250,000 bottles. The vines cover a hill in the heart of the "Montefalco" appellation divided between the three provinces of Gualdo Cattaneo, Giano dell'Umbria and Montefalco.

Facts about Scacciadiavoli Az.Agr.
  • Founding: 1884
  • Industry : Beverages

Here you will find Scacciadiavoli Az.Agr.