"Celebrate Life" study 2022: Spaniards clearly beat the Germans in enjoyment

07-Dec-2022 - Germany

Just in time for the Christmas season, Henkell Freixenet publishes the new "Celebrate Life" study together with the market research institute YouGov. For the third time in a row, the world's leading sparkling wine supplier examined the enjoyment behavior of people in five countries. For this purpose, a total of 7,544 people were surveyed in Germany, France, Great Britain, Spain and the USA. YouGov wanted to know: Can the energy crisis dampen the desire for indulgence? How optimistic are we about the new year? And what things are really important to us at Christmas? This year's results speak for themselves and reveal major differences between Germans and Spaniards.

Photo by SKYLAKE STUDIO on Unsplash

  • Looking back: 60% of Spaniards, but only 43% of Germans, were able to enjoy 2022
  • Optimistic: While only 44% in Germany believe in a pleasurable new year, in Spain it's a full 75%
  • Front-runner: 67% of Germans care about good food and drink at Christmas

Sparkling wine or seltzer? Overall, the past year seems to be remembered positively, despite the many crises. The results of the "Celebrate Life" study show that 50% of all international respondents enjoyed life in 2022. The Spanish in particular stand out on this point. 60 % of them experienced 2022 enjoyably. This represents a significant increase of 7% on the previous year, the highest of all the countries surveyed. The Germans, on the other hand, are lagging behind somewhat and look back on the past few months with less satisfaction. Only 43% of them were really able to enjoy 2022 full of joie de vivre. The differences between the two countries are also reflected in this year's "Celebrate Life" index. In Spain, it stands at 4.8 in 2022, while in Germany it is only 4.0 - the lowest value of all countries.

Germany and Spain - such is the difference in attitudes to pleasure

The question about their own countrymen is also clear. The Spanish believe 42% that their country enjoyed life in 2022. This is a huge increase on the previous year, when only 28% of Spaniards could claim this. Germans are far less rosy in their assessment of the situation in their own country. No more than 14 % of them attribute enjoyment of life to their fellow citizens.

And what about expectations for the coming year? Optimism prevails: 55% of all participants believe in a pleasurable 2023. 62% of people were still of this opinion in 2021, i.e. 7% more. The Spaniards once again stand out as true optimists. The majority of them (75%) approach the new year with hope and confidence. The Germans are much more skeptical. Only 44% of those surveyed are looking forward to an enjoyable 2023.

"Sparkling wine and champagne stand for enjoyment and joie de vivre, and so we are very interested in the mood in the most important consumer countries," says Dr. Andreas Brokemper, CEO of Henkell Freixenet. "It is noticeable that the Corona pandemic two years ago had a much stronger impact on the mood than war, inflation and the energy crisis this year. In addition, for nearly every second person, good food and drink are part of a pleasurable life, and corks continue to pop on New Year's Eve, whether in company or as a couple."

Different priorities - enjoying life to your own taste

Excitingly, when it comes to enjoying life, the participating nations set individual priorities. Overall, the majority prefer to spend time with family and friends (56%). For the Germans (44%), however, this is the least important of all countries. They prefer to have time to themselves (47%). Good food and drink are part of a pleasurable life for a total of 41% of all participants. 44% of Germans and 46% of Spaniards agree with this. The Spaniards also particularly enjoy spending time with their partner (42%).

What will the Christmas season be like? Germans love a culinary feast

Christmas in the company of loved ones - most people will remain true to this tradition in 2022. A full 75% of all respondents want to spend the holidays with close family, and 48% are looking forward to the festivities. At 82%, the Spanish clearly seem to be the biggest family people. The Germans, on the other hand, are in last place. After all, 68% of them are planning to spend Christmas with their families. A Christmas with friends is something that 32% of Spaniards can imagine, but only 16% of Germans. The Germans, on the other hand, are way ahead in other respects: a proud 67% value good food and drink as a treat at Christmas. Germany is therefore a land of gourmets, because no one else attaches so much importance to culinary delights on the festive table.

Sparkling New Year's Eve treat - still a classic!

The past year was often not easy. Nevertheless, the current circumstances dampen the anticipation of the turn of the year for only 23% of all participants. Surprisingly, despite all their enjoyment, Spaniards turn out to be pessimists during the New Year's Eve party! Around 28% are melancholy about the spectacle in view of the current crisis. Only 21% of Germans feel the same way. Keeping to themselves: The New Year's Eve celebrations are once again mainly in small groups. Spaniards, who are considered sociable, spend 64% of the evening with their partner. Among Germans, 51% prefer to celebrate the New Year as a couple. Of all the countries surveyed, they are the least likely (24%) to celebrate in a small group.

Regardless of how the start of 2023 is celebrated, the toast can be elegant and sparkling! The traditional toast with a glass of sparkling wine is part of the New Year's Eve celebration for 46% of all respondents. Spain has once again secured the top position here - 66% of Spaniards and 54% of Germans welcome the New Year by popping corks.

About the "Celebrate Life" study

Under the motto "Celebrate Life," Henkell Freixenet commissioned a study on enjoyment behavior in times of crisis for the third time since 2020. The market research institute YouGov Deutschland GmbH investigated the extent to which people in Germany, Spain, France, the UK and the USA were able to enjoy their lives even in times of global crisis and how they are celebrating Christmas and New Year's Eve this year. The survey is used to calculate the "Celebrate Life" index on a scale of 1 (no enjoyment at all) to 7 (maximum enjoyment). A total of 7,544 people took part in the online survey, which took place this year from November 8-11, 2022. There were 2,126 in Germany and 1,070 in Spain. The results were weighted and are representative of the German population aged 18 and over.

Note: This article has been translated using a computer system without human intervention. LUMITOS offers these automatic translations to present a wider range of current news. Since this article has been translated with automatic translation, it is possible that it contains errors in vocabulary, syntax or grammar. The original article in German can be found here.

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